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“红楼论坛·专业 ”2017年第6讲 冯锡武:
Education and Language Acquisition
发布时间:2017-05-02 08:16:00 作者: 访问次数:0

题目:Education and Language Acquisition  

主讲人:冯锡武 教授 

时间:20175415:30 (星期四) 



主讲人简介: Professor Feng is currently a professor of education and language acquisition in CUNY LaGuardia College. He has decades of years of college teaching experiences both in the US and China. He is specialized in curriculum and instruction and diagnosis and assessment of English language acquisition. He has coordinated and supervised English language program and teacher professional development. His research interests include curriculum and pedagogical development, teaching methodology, cognitive and metacognitive process, and second language acquisition. As a trained professional in English language education, he has studied cross-linguistic and cross-cultural communication and the impact of linguistic and cultural backgrounds on learning. He has been a frequent presenter at both national and international conferences and published in various journals.  

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